Sinfonia Nr. 15 h-moll BWV801 Uploaded by: NeoBarock Composer: Bach, J. S. Organ: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993) Software: GrandOrgue Views: 51
Couplet, Domine Deus, Rex coelestis Uploaded by: sanden Composer: Couperin, Louis Organ: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993) Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 387
Les Plaisirs Uploaded by: NeoBarock Composer: Georg Philipp Telemann Organ: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993) Software: GrandOrgue Views: 65
Here is a cheerful piece that invites you to dance.
The melody is from Valentin Rathgeber, who gives us the advice (the surname means exactly that) to be happy and to enjoy life and music.
The song was published around 1733 in the Augsburger Tafelkonfekt, and was set to 3 voices by me 24 years ago. I added the little fugato 2 years ago.
Have fun with it!
For interested guys I have attached an intermediate format (xml file). This has been written by my renderer (Java), in which all individually recorded voices are combined according to a set of rules. This xml file is converted by another software into a SMF Type 0, which is then played by GrandOrgue.