Libera me Uploaded by: unclegally Composer: Gabriel Faure Organ: Domorgel Billerbeck - Orgelbau Fleiter Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 67
Libera me (Requiem, Op. 48, No. 6) Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei Composer: Fauré, Gabriel; arr. Fox, Virgil Organ: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 260
Libera Me from the Requiem Uploaded by: Mirch4 Composer: Fauré, Gabriel Organ: Hereford Cathedral Willis Organ Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 136
Toccata de la Libération Uploaded by: robcamfield Composer: Léonce de Saint-Martin Organ: Caen - St. Etienne Cavaillé Coll Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 321
The Entertainer Uploaded by: bishfan Composer: Scott Joplin Organ: Haverhill OIC Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 356
Another transcription by me: Libera me from Giuseppe Verdi's Requiem. Quite a chunk and it was very exciting to bring a whole orchestra plus choir and soprano on the organ. In the end I played with the dry and wet signal to get more spatial depth. Please use good headphones. I hope you enjoy it.