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Fuge Es-Dur BWV552

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Uploaded by: NeoBarock (12/05/20)
Composer: Bach, J. S.
Sample Producer: Piotr Grabowski
Sample Set: Eisenbarth, Friesach (2000)
Software: GrandOrgue
Genre: Baroque
Here is the triple fugue in E flat major BWV552, one of my favorite pieces. The prelude will be submitted at a later date ...

At our "Traufe" (we married in church and baptized our daughter) in 1987, the Prelude for the entrance and the Fugue for the exit were played by none other than Johannes Geffert, the current organist of the Kreuzkirche in Bonn. With the knowledge of having such a great organist, I wished for this probably greatest work ever for organ. And we were not disappointed! He played wonderfully, briskly and with accent.

Now I have recorded the fugue. It is, let's say, "half" played live. Slowly recorded in several tracks, quantified and rendered in my "NeoBarock-style ;-)" to this "final product" by my self-developed software. It sounds on the large Eisenbarth organ in Friesach.
At the end we nearly have a tutti organ, I just left the 32" Stops and doubled Trumpet/Trombone.
Performance: MIDI
Recorded in: Stereo
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