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Uploaded by: jerrymartin (12/05/20)
Composer: Haynes, Battison
Sample Producer: Lavender Audio
Sample Set: The Armley Schulze
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Romantic
I immediately fell in love with this Pastorale the first time I played it through. There are a couple of other lovely uploads on CB (Which I have linked in the Haynes Playlist) that are worst listening to.

Not quite a Christmas piece, but the Pastorale theme is fitting ;)

Walter Battison Haynes (21 November 1859 – 16 February 1900) was an English pianist, organist and composer. Although he died at a young age, his influence on the development of the English Victorian organ style was significant. He made the pilgrimage to Leipzig and on his return became a Professor of Harmony and Composition at the Royal Academy of Music. He was highly sought after as a teacher, and two of his best known students were Charles Macpherson and Harry Farjeon.

I found this score in a lovely publication by Barenreiter:
Sonntagsorgel, Volume II
Easy organ music for church services and teaching. Meditative Music - Pastorals
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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