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"Joy to the World" (with alternate harmonies)

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Uploaded by: pcarmona (12/21/20)
Composer: G.F. Handel
Sample Producer: Voxus Virtual Organs
Sample Set: 1738 Christian Müller - Haarlem (Wet)
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Hymn
This is how I usually accompany this beloved Christmas hymn, but because current covid-pandemic restrictions preclude the attendance of a live congregation, I will need to record and add some singing to this for our livestreamed Christmas service. That notwithstanding, it seems to me that this "accompaniment" sounds just fine by itself. For verses 2 and 3, I used Jan Bender's brilliant harmonizations, but added some of my own flourishes, trills, and other adjustments. Bender's harmonizations are published in Free Organ Accompaniment to Hymns (Vol. II: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany), Augsburg Publishing House, 1965.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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