Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich Uploaded by: Bartfloete Composer: Vogel, Holm Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 84
Ich ruf zu Dir, herr Jesu Christ BWV 639 Uploaded by: EdoL Composer: Bach, J. S. Organ: 1761/2005 J. A. Silbermann-Metzler, Arlesheim, Switzerland Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 303
An obituary for Christmas - I have arranged the well-known tenor aria "Ich will nur Dir zu Ehren" by the great master J.S.Bach for organo pleno.
We are listening to the sample set of the Friesach organ, using all 3 manuals and the pedal. The two solo instruments are respectively taken by the main and swell organ, the tenor voice comes on the solo organ whose Trompette en chamade outshines everything.
The B.C. moves to the pedal, and since Bach treats all voices equally, the whole is unplayable in principle. Thanks to MIDI, we can look forward to a really "full" organ.