Et sepultus est (2015) Uploaded by: CarsonCooman Composer: Gaar, Reiner Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 54
Jesu, meine Freude (Setting 2) Uploaded by: swiberg Composer: Walther, Johann Gottfried Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 75
Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done Uploaded by: BaroqueDMX Composer: Manookin, Robert P. Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 89
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme Uploaded by: Frans Composer: Reger, Max Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 455
I had only been playing organ for a few months when I found a long list of organ composers online. I saw Joseph Ahrens at the top of the list, so I looked up some recordings of his music. The opening of the Introitus immediately resonated with me and inspired me to learn the entire mass. Ahrens's use of early styles of counterpoint and chant in his liturgical music drew me to a deep appreciation for his music.
Ahrens expresses the words of the Kyrie through rhythm and melodic contour. The opening melody could easily be sung to the words "Kyrie, Kyrie, Kyrie eleison."