Wir tragen unsere Flammen ... Uploaded by: NeoBarock Composer: * My Own Transcription Organ: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993) Software: GrandOrgue Views: 69
Faul sein ist wunderschön Uploaded by: NeoBarock Composer: * My Own Composition Organ: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993) Software: GrandOrgue Views: 80
Sonate C-Dur op.2 Nr.3 Uploaded by: NeoBarock Composer: Telemann, Georg Philipp Organ: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993) Software: GrandOrgue Views: 103
In my youth, I usually skipped the alto arias from the cantatas. They seemed endlessly long, mostly sung by Falcetists - a torment for me as an adolescent.
There are exceptions, such as the jaunty aria here, "Gott hat alles wohlgemacht," which I now play at 98 BPM on the Melcer Chamber Hall organ using a "low" registration.