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2 Preludes Op. 27 No. 2
Uploaded by: Erzahler
Composer: Scriabin, Alexander Nikolayevich Organ: Eisenbarth, Friesach (2000) Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 73
Uploaded by:
NeoBarock (01/16/21)
Bach, J. S.
Sample Producer:
Piotr Grabowski
Sample Set:
Eisenbarth, Friesach (2000)
Software: | GrandOrgue |
Genre: | Baroque |
Description: | Schübler Choral4
Recorded on the Friesach Sample Set.
Instead of the pedal I chose the Schwellwerk with a decent Bourdon 16", which is not as dominant as the Subbass 16" of the pedal.
The chorale melody is again contested by the Trompette al chamade, and I let it perform at 2 octaves.
Phew, with this I have recorded all 6 Schübler chorales.
A few words about the Schübler chorales:
The Schuebler Chorales are six chorale arrangements for organ by Johann Sebastian Bach (original title: Sechs Choräle von verschiedenen Art). In particular "Wachet auf" and "Kommst du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter" are among Bach's best-known organ works. The melody of the latter is more commonly known under the text of "Lobe den Herren" - the underlaying of the unknown text allows this collection to be consistently assigned to the end of the church year and Advent.
The exact date of origin of the collection is unknown; the original printing was procured by Johann Georg Schübler in Zella in 1748/1749; it also owes its name to him. Five of the six movements are arrangements of extant cantata movements. For the sixth (BWV 646), the only fragmentarily preserved Cantata 188 has been suspected as the source; however, this remains speculation.
The movements may have been chosen initially for ease of playing; most of the movements are for three voices only, and their pedal bass either provides the cantus firmus or serves as a rhythmically simple harmonic support for the upper voices. Somewhat more difficult are the four-part movements "Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten" and "Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn". In the latter, the pedal is equally involved with the two left-hand voices in the development and processing of the themes (Source: Wikipedia).
Now enjoy this piece.
Performance: | MIDI |
Recorded in: | Stereo |
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