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Variations sur Ode a la Joie (Beethoven), VPX-240

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Uploaded by: FredM (01/28/21)
Composer: Verpeaux, Jean-Paul
Sample Producer:
Sample Set: Aristide No.1 Version 2
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Contemporary
Here is music from my friend Jean-Paul Verpeaux

French composer and organist Jean-Paul Verpeaux (b. 1951) was born in Paris. He has composed more than 300 pieces, primarily for the organ. Verpeaux began playing as a church organist at age 16 and pursued it for many years alongside a primary career as an electronics engineer for the French Air Force. During these years he composed music for a number of military films and taught electronic music at the music academy in Chinon. He had planned to spend his retirement by returning actively to organ performance, but a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease prevented him from returning to live playing. However, Verpeaux has remained active as a composer of works for others to play and but creating virtual organ performances with software, including several programs he has developed himself. (
Performance: MIDI
Recorded in: Stereo
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