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“Savior, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us”

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Uploaded by: FatherTodd (02/10/21)
Composer: * My Own Arrangement
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel E.M. Skinner
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Hymn
The piece I’m playing on the chapel organ today is a three-part arrangement of the hymn “Savior, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us” – Prelude, Hymn, and Waltz. It’s set to the tune “Bradbury” – a tune that fills me with a sense of intimacy with God. It’s a reassuring hymn and tune, a reminder that we really do belong to God. So, given the reminder of joy this hymn brings, I hope you won’t be too surprised to hear that my fingers began “waltzing” before the music ended! (It’s okay if you suddenly feel like tapping your feet!)

Here are the words, in case they might help you to talk with Jesus and to ponder his Presence in the Tabernacle…

“Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”

Tune: Bradbury

Savior, like a shepherd lead us, much we need thy tender care;
in thy pleasant pastures feed us, for our use thy folds prepare:
Blesséd Jesus, blesséd Jesus! Thou hast bought us, thine we are.
Blesséd Jesus, blesséd Jesus! Thou hast bought us, thine we are.

We are thine, do thou befriend us, be the guardian of our way;
keep thy flock, from sin defend us, seek us when we go astray:
Blesséd Jesus, blesséd Jesus! Hear, O hear us, when we pray.
Blesséd Jesus, blesséd Jesus! Hear, O hear us, when we pray.

Thou hast promised to receive us, poor and sinful though we be;
thou hast mercy to relieve us, grace to cleanse and power to free:
Blesséd Jesus, blesséd Jesus! We will early turn to thee.
Blesséd Jesus, blesséd Jesus! We will early turn to thee.

Early let us seek thy favor, early let us do thy will;
blessed Lord and only Savior, with thy love our bosoms fill:
Blesséd Jesus, blesséd Jesus! Thou hast loved us, love us still.
Blesséd Jesus, blesséd Jesus! Thou hast loved us, love us still.

Blessings! :)

Father Todd
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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