Sonate A-Dur Hob. XVI:12 Uploaded by: Bartfloete Composer: Haydn, Joseph Organ: 1730 Trost, Waltershausen, Germany Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 136
Sonate D-Dur - Die Eichen Uploaded by: NeoBarock Composer: * My Own Composition Organ: BP - Niederzwehren Software: GrandOrgue Views: 65
Allegretto Sonate IV Uploaded by: Cribo Composer: Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix Organ: Steendam organ Apeldoorn The Netherlands by Sygsoft Holland Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 726
Psalm 134 Uploaded by: cvdijk Composer: Mulder, Klaas Jan Organ: Kampen, Bovenkerk Hinsz/F.C. Schnitger Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 826
Praeludium in g (I) Uploaded by: wolfram_syre Composer: Tunder, Franz Organ: Kampen, Bovenkerk Hinsz/F.C. Schnitger Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 101
This is one of the most important German romantic organ Sonatas after Mendelssohn, dedicated to Franz Liszt.
The form is Quasi una Fantasia with the elements:
- Sonata - episodes,
- Recitativo,
- Cantilene,
- Choral,
- Variations,
- symphonic Fugue,
- Toccata - Final.
Ritter had a modified baroque organ in the Magdeburg cathedral at the time when he has composed his four organ Sonatas. So we have the curious situation: Romantic Sonatas written for a baroque instrument.