Magnificat 2 opus 18 #11 Uploaded by: josephhaspel Composer: Dupré, Marcel Organ: Cavaillè-Coll, Saint Eucaire (1902) Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 225
Magnificat VI. toni. 3 Versus Uploaded by: wolfram_syre Composer: Praetorius, Hieronymus Organ: 1675/88 Hus/Arp Schnitger, Stade, Germany Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 246
Magnificat, JKB 24 Uploaded by: Discipulus Composer: Baruk, Jason Organ: St. Peter and Paul’s Große Neo-Classical Composite Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 93
Balbastre is well known for his Noëls en variations. He wrote a lot of others pieces. Among them there are several Suites for the Magnificat that I will upload in the next days, using differents samples.
He wrote them before 1750 when he was organist on the big Riepp organ in the Cathedrale from Dijon. It's functional and liturgical music with a lot of influences (like crossing hands like in Scarlatti's sonatas).
1. Plein jeu pour la plain chant
2. Duo 0:19
3 Récit de flûte 1:35
4. Fugue 2:45
5. Récit et basse de voix humaine 4:41
6. Basse de trompette 6:19
7. Grands jeux 7:43