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Fanfares from Good Friday Music (Parsifal)

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Uploaded by: Keys61 (04/01/21)
Composer: Wagner, Richard (arr. Virgil Fox)
Sample Set: Custom, American Classic
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Romantic
Fanfares from Good Friday Music (Parsifal)
Richard Wagner
arranged by Virgil Fox

The sheet music is still available for purchase from your favorite music supplier; "At the Organ with Virgil Fox" published by Alfred.

Virgil recorded this on the Wanamaker Organ in Philadelphia. He seemed to be using all 88 ranks of the string organ (built by Kimball).

I've used all the strings I have available along with other "slush and gush" The Fanfare is played on the Great Tromba, and from the Solo the Tuba Major and the Trumpet Harmonique.
I'm going for a Brass Section, backed up by an orchestra sawing away!

The video is not mine, but it's available on You Tube, featuring Virgil Fox playing this selection at Wanamaker.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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