Rondeau (Sinfonie de Fanfares) Uploaded by: xlukasz94x Composer: Jean Joseph Mouret Organ: 1690 Frères Jullien, Roquemaure, France Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 143
Fanfares (2002) Uploaded by: CarsonCooman Composer: Kropp, Christian Organ: 1998 Steiner-Reck, Op. 104 Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 117
Fanfares and Hymn (1994) Uploaded by: CarsonCooman Composer: Ripper, Theodore W. Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 120
Gelobt Sei Gott Uploaded by: Keys61 Composer: Proulx, Richard Organ: Custom, American Classic Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 119
Romanza Uploaded by: Keys61 Composer: arranged by artist Organ: Custom, American Classic Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 114
Something For Thee Uploaded by: Keys61 Composer: Lowry, Robert Organ: Custom, American Classic Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 71
Fanfares from Good Friday Music (Parsifal)
Richard Wagner
arranged by Virgil Fox
The sheet music is still available for purchase from your favorite music supplier; "At the Organ with Virgil Fox" published by Alfred.
Virgil recorded this on the Wanamaker Organ in Philadelphia. He seemed to be using all 88 ranks of the string organ (built by Kimball).
I've used all the strings I have available along with other "slush and gush" The Fanfare is played on the Great Tromba, and from the Solo the Tuba Major and the Trumpet Harmonique.
I'm going for a Brass Section, backed up by an orchestra sawing away!
The video is not mine, but it's available on You Tube, featuring Virgil Fox playing this selection at Wanamaker.