Dialogue (3rd Agnus Dei) Uploaded by: jocr Composer: de Grigny, Nicolas Organ: G. Silbermann Organ, Grosshartmannsdorf Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 639
J.N. Geoffroy - 7 Verses in Cm Uploaded by: jepisi Composer: Geoffroy, Jean-Nicolas Organ: Jeux d'orgues 4 - La Chaise Dieu (1683) Software: Hauptwerk VIII Views: 61
Passacaille (in B minor) Uploaded by: sesquialtera Composer: Couperin, François Organ: Jeux d'orgues 4 - La Chaise Dieu (1683) Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 316
[Thomas BABOU, Part-8: 5 pieces] Uploaded by: jepisi Composer: Babou, Thomas Organ: Jeux d'orgues 4 - La Chaise Dieu (1683) Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 66
Grand Plein jeu (Suite du premier ton) Uploaded by: Dick Composer: Clérambault, Louis-Nicolas Organ: Jeux d'orgues 4 - La Chaise Dieu (1683) Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 512
A short visit to this beautiful organ of La Chaise-Dieu. Interesting to note that the organ case which is XVIIth century for the positif and XVIIIth for the 'Grand corps' ( the first organ built in 1683 held in the case of the present positif and the 'Grand corps' was erected later, in 1727, when Martin Carouge built the complete organ of 40 stops on 4 keyborads). Also interesting to note that , like for the Chateau de Versailles , the pipes are new ( lest for about 50 wooden pedal pipes): The organ , mute for over a century , was finally reconstructed with totally new pipes , by Michel Garnier in 1995, who achieved a magnificent job.