After a week of testing with the new Steinmeyer sample set, I decided to present few stops in an improvisation in romantic style. The theme of the improvisation is a Marian song: "Segne du Maria" (Bless you, Mary), which is often sung in Bavaria. On May 1, Our Lady is celebrated as the patron saint of Bavaria.
00:00 Thema
(Principale, later + Strings 8´)
01:08 Variation I
(Solo: Klarinette - Fagott - Oboe - Waldhorn - Hornprincipal - plus Quintade8´ und Gamba 8´)
02:26 Variation II
(4´ Flöten and Solo Vox humana)
04:33 Variation III
(all Strings with Melodiekoppel III)
05:40 Variation IV
(8´ Flutes)
06:56 Variation V
(Aeoline+Vox coelestis with Solo: Kornett and Sesquialtera II in alternation)
08:43 Fuge
(crescendo until Tutti)