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Prelude (for John) (1996)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (05/29/21)
Composer: Williams, Natalie
Sample Producer: Voxus Virtual Organs
Sample Set: Kuhn 2004, Essen Philharmonie
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Contemporary
Natalie Williams (b. 1977) — Prelude (for John) (1996) for organ

Natalie Williams (b. 1977) is an Australian-born composer and United States permanent resident. She was educated primarily at Adelaide University and the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, where she earned a doctorate in composition. Williams’s academic teaching positions have included Indiana University, the University of Georgia, and the Melbourne Conservatorium. Her works have been commissioned and performed by international ensembles including the Atlanta Opera, Omaha Symphony, the Berkeley Symphony, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, Musica Viva, the West Australian Symphony Orchestra, Adelaide Baroque, the Sydney Youth Orchestra, the Australian Youth Orchestra, Indiana University Chamber Orchestra, and the Plathner’s Eleven Chamber Ensemble (Germany). She is a represented composer of the Australian Music Centre. In addition to musical pursuits, Williams completed a certificate in international cultural diplomacy in Berlin and a graduate certificate in management at the Australian National University.

Published by the Australian Music Centre in “Die kleine Langmeil Orgelbüchlein”
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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