In this next movement Widor creates some interesting effects: I have in the past played this entirely too fast - thanks to the inspiration of the large reverbartion of this sampleset, I got out my mentronome to try the suggested tempo: the combination of a controlled pace with the Cavaille-Coll voicing is remarkable. The opening motif in 3/4 time has quite a bit of swagger and gives way to a central section that is very exciting indeed at this tempo: the bite of the recit reeds coupled to the pedal for those staccato notes, coupled with the resonant foundations sets an almost drumroll background for the manualwork. I have fallen in love with this movement all over again!
This is recorded on the newly released 'Nancy' sampleset by Piotr Grabowski. I have loaded the set with Front and Rear channels in full 24-bit quality, and the Close channels in 16-bit (to help with some clarity).
Noises: Key action 50%, Stop action 80%, Blower 30%
Detuning: reeds 40%, flues 20%
Audio levels:
Close 13%
Front 95%
Rear 60%