La Gemissante Uploaded by: adri Composer: Dandrieu, Jean-François Organ: 1766 Riepp Dreifaltigkeits Organ, Ottobeuren, Germany Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 108
Missa pro Organo Uploaded by: DrPeczeAndor Composer: Liszt, Franz Organ: Chemnitz - Lutherkirche, Sauer Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 61
Ite, missa est, Deo gratias Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei Composer: Forbes, Sebastian Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 410
It seems strange that nothing by Josquin has ever been uploaded here - except that he didn't write any organ music. So in honour of the 500th anniversary of his death, here is a transcription of part of his Missa Pange Lingua.
I've recorded:
Kyrie - complete
Gloria - Qui tollis to the end
Credo - Et incarnatus to the end
Sanctus - Pleni sunt coeli
Benedictus - complete
Agnus Dei - complete
One day I'll finish the recording!
The sheet music is attached, arranged using Sibelius from a choral version on CPDL, transposed back down to an E final (Phrygian mode). It's a bit rough in places - it's a working file rather than a polished arrangement.
Although I'd much rather be singing it, I think it does work well for organ, and it's certainly in the spirit of 15th century organists.