Recercada primera / qvarta Uploaded by: Cornelis Composer: Diego Ortiz Organ: Klapmeyer, Altenbruch, 1727–30 Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 94
Primeira Fantasia a Quatro de 8º Tom Uploaded by: jgraca Composer: Carreira, António Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 291
Primeira Fantasia a Quatro de 8º Tom Uploaded by: jgraca Composer: Carreira, António Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 136
Passacalla Primero Tono Uploaded by: EdoL Composer: Cabanilles, Juan Organ: 1684 García-Martínez, Frechilla, Spain Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 153
Paul A. Epstein (b. 1938) — Prime Times 6 (2020) for organ
American composer Paul A. Epstein (b. 1938) was educated at Brandeis University and the University of California at Berkeley. His teachers included Harold Shapero, Seymour Shifrin, and Luciano Berio. Epstein’s music is generally classified as postminimalist, and his catalog includes two operas and much vocal music, as well as instrumental works for large and small ensembles. Epstein was Professor of Music Theory at Temple University where he taught from 1969 to 2001. He has also been active in collaborative work with theater and dance. From 1969–72, he was associated with the New York environmentalist theater group The Performance Group and from 1974–87 was composer and music director for ZeroMoving Dance Company of Philadelphia.