Crown Him with Many Crowns Uploaded by: adamsih300u Composer: * My Own Transcription Organ: Composite 5 manual symphonic organ Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 107
Crown Him with Many Crowns Uploaded by: gooseh Composer: Various Organ: Caen - St. Etienne Cavaillé Coll Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 80
Crown Him with Many Crowns Uploaded by: Hoofdwerk Composer: Payne, Jason D. Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 206
Crown Him with many Crowns Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei Composer: Elvey, George J. Organ: Hereford Cathedral Willis Organ Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 444
Crown Him with Many Crowns Uploaded by: gooseh Composer: George J Elvey Organ: Klais Organ of Szikszó Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 259
While it may be said that Noon is the harbinger of Sunset, Sunset is the harbinger of Day's End. Crow reaches the Sunset and looks back at what she has accomplished today, and more afflictively, what she has failed to accomplish. In the last moments before the day yields to night, Crow is frantic, angry: She screams in vain at the setting sun, 'Halt your inexorable path, you cursed thief of life.' And then it's done. The day is gone.