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Bach J.S. - Ich ruf ’ zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (BWV 639)

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Uploaded by: jepisi (07/19/21)
Composer: Bach, J. S.
Sample Set: AVO Kanizsa (beta version)
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Baroque
Jean-Sébastien Bach (1685-1750)

Here is the Ich ruf ’ zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
(BWV 639 - OrgelBüchlein N°40)

00:00 version 1
02:50 version 2

This piece has been recorded on the beta version of the organ of Kanisa, with original releases without added reverb. I am using the default organ definition settings.

Note: The midi file used for the recording was made by myself from the score and Hauptwerk.
Performance: MIDI
Recorded in: Stereo
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