Autumn Soliloquy Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei Composer: Purvis, Richard Organ: Salisbury Cathedral Father Willis Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 129
Improvisation on 'Autumn Leaves' Uploaded by: FredM Composer: * My Own Composition Organ: Goerlitz (Görlitz), Sonnenorgel Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 58
A Morning in Autumn Uploaded by: pointyflute Composer: Streeton, Terry Organ: Laurenskerk - Main Organ - 1973 Marcussen & Son Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 197
Comes Autumn Time Uploaded by: jerrymartin Composer: Sowerby, Leo Organ: Alessandria, Mascioni (2010) Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 106
James Michael Stevens (b. 1960) — Autumn Prelude No. 1 (2021) for organ
Composer and pianist James Michael Stevens (b. 1961) was born in Alabama and educated at Samford University, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the University of Kentucky. Stevens has been active as a church musician and academic, serving as chair of the music department at Welsh College in Nashville, Tennessee. As a composer, Stevens has published more than 1,000 compositions with numerous publishers, primarily in piano and choral genres. With Joseph M. Martin, Stevens co-composed the song “Without Love… We Have Nothing,” which has become one of the most popular wedding songs in Korea and has been recorded on more than 250 commercial CDs.