Improvisation: "Dulce Carmen" Uploaded by: AMLaMort Composer: Anthony Mark LaMort Organ: St. Peter und Paul Weissenau Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 100
Fugue dans le style de J.S. Bach Uploaded by: ReinerS Composer: Jongen, Joseph Organ: Walcker Organ St. Antonius Papenburg Software: Hauptwerk VIII Views: 134
Sonata No. 4 "Tonus Peregrinus" Uploaded by: cmorgel76 Composer: Rheinberger, Josef Organ: Walcker Organ St. Antonius Papenburg Software: Hauptwerk VI Views: 197
Petit Trio Uploaded by: Hoofdwerk Composer: Dixon, John Organ: Walcker Organ St. Antonius Papenburg Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 142
The coming weekend is the third Sunday in Advent, which is nicknamed:Gaudete (rejoice). The opening verse of the Mass is "Rejoice, the Lord is near". In the Catholic hymnbook for the German-speaking area there is an Advent song about it with the familiar text "O come, o come Emmanuel". But not with the well-known phyrigical melody, but in major! The refrain is always: "Rejoice, rejoice, O Israel!" and fits perfectly with the Sunday "Gaudete". The choral is one of my favorite songs. So with this improvisation I wish everyone a nice third "Gaudete" Advent Sunday! (As Attachment is the Choral movement to download.) 00:00 Arabesque 02:35 Choral movement