"Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her,
ich bring euch gute neue Mär,
der guten Mär bring ich so viel,
davon ich singen und sagen will."
(Martin Luther)
Three years ago, Sietze de Vries (NL) improvised a series of beautiful variations on this well known German Christmas chorale, recorded in Martini church of Bremen (D).
I was very impressed, and therefore that became my first attempt to transcript organ music of Sietze. I am thankful for his appreciation, after presenting him my result.
This recording was played on the unique sampleset of the Arp-Schnitger-organ Steinkirchen (D) from OAM.
Some weeks ago; I presented the first part of those variations. This rendition now includes all variations of Sietze except the last one (which was too tricky to transcript).
You find the transcript score attached for free download. Take it as a Christmas present.
With this music file, I will finish my annual series of Christmas music for this year.
Merry Christmas in advance to everybody!
Original recording of Sietze de Vries for comparison: