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Kleines Präludium in E BWV937

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Uploaded by: NeoBarock (01/14/22)
Composer: Bach, J. S.
Sample Producer: Piotr Grabowski
Sample Set: Walcker, Melcer Chamber Music Hall (1993)
Software: GrandOrgue
Genre: Baroque
The Six Little Preludes (BWV 933-938) are a group of preludes written by the composer Johann Sebastian Bach for harpsichord. They are all short, pedagogical efforts written in or around the period of 1717–1720, but they were not published until 1802. These pieces are all short but require a strong understanding of technique. The preludes are a part of Bach's 18 Kleine Präludien (18 Little Preludes), which also contains the Twelve Little Preludes.

Bach sporadically produced the pieces around 1717–1720, primarily for instructive purposes, and were not intended for public performance, rather as an aid to his son's compositional development.

Unlike Prelude in E minor, this piece is interpreting a more lively scenario indicating that it is major, though Bach's frequently used mordents are not as common in this prelude.


We hear the "NeoBaroque" organ of the Melcer Chamber Music Hall with very little reverberation, which is the direct response that is obligatory for the character of the piece at hand. I have included many ornaments and played the eighth-note barrel in the pedal very strongly staccato.
How did I manage this extremely lively playing?
Well, with 4 eighth notes in the pedal, the running time of the first note is 75%, that of the second 50% and the last two 25%. In the groups of four sixteenth notes, the first is played at 100% and the following at 50%.
Performance: MIDI
Recorded in: Stereo
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