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Versetti Spirituali (2020)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (02/07/22)
Composer: Trovato, Angelo Maria
Sample Producer: Evensong
Sample Set: First Lutheran Zimmer
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Contemporary
Angelo Maria Trovato (b. 1977) — Versetti Spirituali (2020) for organ

1) Laudato si’, mi’ Signore
(“Praise be to you, my Lord.”, St. Francis of Assisi)

2) Prendete in mano la vostra vita e fatene un capolavoro
(“Take your life in hand, and make it a masterpiece.”, St. John Paul II)

3) La misura dell'amore è amare senza misura
(“The measure of love is to love without measure.”, St. Augustine of Hippo)

4) Ogni istante hu un senso; si tratta di coglierloura
(“Every moment has a meaning; it is about understanding it.”, St. John Henry Newman)

5) Tenetevi sempre saldi nell’umilità
(“Always stand firm in humility.”, Padre Pio [St. Pius of Pietrelcina])

6) Quanto bene può fare un semplice sorriso
(“We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”, St. Teresa of Calcutta)

Italian organist and composer Angelo Maria Trovato (b. 1977) was educated at the conservatory in Catania. He has won numerous prizes as both composer and organist. In addition to many organ works, Trovato has written music for choir, piano, band, orchestra, and jazz ensembles.

Published on Gumroad (
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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