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Wilt heden nu treden, Sweelinq and Hauptwerk, Kam + Bach + Esztergom

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Uploaded by: don_prince (02/07/22)
Composer: * My Own Composition
Sample Set: Kam + Bach + Esztergom
Software: Sweelinq
Genre: Hymn
Wilt heden nu treden,

Played on two instances of Sweelinq and Hauptwerk, running the Sweelinq Kam and Bach samplesets aswel as the Hauptwerk Esztergom sampleset simultaniously.

I am just a beginner, but wanted to share with you the possibilities of running the samplesets simultaniously.

This is only possible with the v3 beta of Sweelinq, unfortunatly due to a technical change it can not be done in the most recent v4 version. I do encourage you to try out both samplesets at once if you are still on the v3 version.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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