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Fuga Octavi Toni G major RW 83

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Uploaded by: Erzahler (02/12/22)
Composer: Peyer, Johann Baptist
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: St. Peter, Ménestérol
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Baroque
Johann Baptist Peyer (1680 - 1733) was an Austrian organist and composer. The main source of his compositions is manuscript Mus. Ms. 1220, held by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. That manuscript contains 4 fascicles. The scribe of the manuscript ascirbes the music in the first fascicle to Andreas Bayer (1710 - 1740), the music in fascicles 2 and 3 to Peyer and the music in fascicle 4 to "Sig Beÿer".

The music in fascicles 2 and 3 is more modern, more like the galant style, than you would expect for someone born in 1680. Some scholars therefore believe that the ascription to Peyer in this manuscript is an error, and that it is more likely that Andreas Bayer (who was born 30 years later than Peyer) is in fact the composer of this music.

Be that as it may, Bayer or Peyer, it is attractive music to play and to listen to.

The RW numbers are attributed to F.W. Riedel who published some research done on the manuscript this music is taken from. He probably created a catalogue for Peyer's music as well. Hence the abbreviation, for Riedel Verzeichnis (= catalogue in German).
(Notes with thanks to Auke at http:\\

The modern score is edited by the venerable Pierre Gouin and attached below.
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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