Heilige Namen Uploaded by: FredM Composer: Weber, Ludwig Organ: Domorgel Billerbeck - Orgelbau Fleiter Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 28
The Tomb of Our Lord (1980) Uploaded by: CarsonCooman Composer: Kreutz, Robert E. Organ: Domorgel Billerbeck - Orgelbau Fleiter Software: Hauptwerk V Views: 31
Quatre préludes, Opus 185 (1975) Uploaded by: Marek M Composer: Langlais, Jean Organ: Domorgel Billerbeck - Orgelbau Fleiter Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 80
Grand chœur dialogué Uploaded by: contrabourdon Composer: Gigout, Eugène Organ: Domorgel Billerbeck - Orgelbau Fleiter Software: Hauptwerk VII Views: 53
'Sursum Corda' by Stephen Barber is a very beautiful composition that portrays a prayerful mood, surrounded with mystery. This piece was selected as a winning entry in Tim Knight's recent competition for "Organ Music for Praise and Worship", and very rightly so! Stephen is now retired but still plays at his local church in Northamptonshire after a long career playing the organ in various churches in London and Peterborough.