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Ach Gott vom Himmel sieh darein (KrebsWV 504/1, Emans 9)

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Uploaded by: ajongbloed (05/02/22)
Composer: Krebs, Johann Ludwig
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Groningen, St. Martini
Software: Hauptwerk V
Genre: Baroque
The first part of Kreb's Klavier Übung was published in 1744 and consists of 13 works based on one choral melody. Each of these works consists of a preambulum, a chorale setting, and a chorale alio modo. They are (probably) meant as manualiter pieces, and as such can be played on the orgen, the harpsichord or even the piano.

Manuscript D-LEb Rara Ib, 44 held by the Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, contains adaptations of two parts from Kreb's Klavier Übung for organ with pedal. I already published the first one (see here:, now it is time for the second. It is based on the first part of KrebsWV 504. The adaptation was probably made by the scribe of this manuscript, Leonhard Scholz.

Scholz transfered the bass part of Kreb's original to the pedals, for the largest part an octave lower than it is written in the original, and in some parts even two octave lower. In the second-last bar Scholz deviates from the original: instead of d-c sharp-c, Scholz writes e-d sharp-d in the bass part. It could be a trnascription error, but it could also be on purpose. I decided to follow Scholz's version for the score.

Krebs wrote a wry piece, full of chromatic decending lines. It can be played of course an a supplication, with a soft registration. I decided to play it more like an angry cry for help, almost as if the poet demands the help of God.

Score available here:
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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