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Capricio in C

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Uploaded by: ajongbloed (05/07/22)
Composer: Karges, Wilhelm (Scherer, Sebastian Anton)
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Midwolda, Hinsz (1772)
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Baroque
Karges' Capricio in C is based on Scherer's Intonatio Secunda Quindi Toni. The capricio consists of three segments and only the middle one is a citation of Scherer's composition.

Karges adds an introduction, that could well be called a prelude. Scherer's Intonatio functions as the first fugue. And Karges add's a second fugue, with a theme that is derived from the theme of the forst fugue. This fugue has no pendant in Scherer's publication, so I presume Karges wrote it himself. By adding a second fugue in ternairy rythm Karges creates a piece that follows the mold of most of the Caprici he compiled using Scherer's music as a basis: a short prelude, followed by two fgugati, the first in binary rythm, the second in ternary rythm, with a short conclusion of two or three bars in again binary rythm.

These are very practical compositions for use in service or even to use in a concert. They are mostly well written, pleasant to listen to and not too difficult.

Score available here:
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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