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Processional Fanfare (uploaded for Ascension Day)

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Uploaded by: Agnus_Dei (05/26/22)
Composer: Demuth, Norman
Sample Producer: Lavender Audio
Sample Set: Hereford Cathedral Willis Organ
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Mid-20th Century
Norman Demuth (15 July 1898 – 21 April 1968) was an English composer and musicologist, currently remembered largely for his biographies of French composers.

Demuth was born in Croydon, Surrey. On leaving Repton School in 1915, he volunteered as Rifleman No. 2780 with the 5th London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade) in the City of London on 17 September 1915, falsifying his age by adding one year on enlistment to seek active-service for which he was then under-age. In early March 1916 he was sent to France with a reinforcement draft to the Regiment's 1st Battalion on the Western Front, and was wounded in the leg by shrapnel fragments from the accidental detonation of a Mills Bomb on 28 June 1916 in the frontline village of Hebuterne during the prelude of the Battle of the Somme. He was medically evacuated to England and subsequently discharged from the British Army as medically unfit for further war service in November 1916.

Although Demuth studied for a time at the Royal College of Music, he was essentially self-taught. Greatly sympathetic to French music, he wrote a number of books on the subject; these include studies of Franck, Dukas, Roussel, d'Indy, Gounod, Ravel, and French opera.

Between 1929 and 1935 Demuth was conductor of the Chichester Symphony Orchestra. From 1930 he taught at the Royal Academy of Music, and latterly at the University of Durham.

"Processional Fanfare" dates from 1958 and is dedicated: "To. T. H. Hawkins". Written for the "Enthronement of the Lord Bishop of Chichester," it is originally for organ, tympani and three trumpets, the composer arranged it for organ solo.

It's rather typical of English music of the late 1950's. The harmonies are quite conservative, but it does have a few "spicy notes" thrown in. The passage leading back to the recap is tricky to play.

The score is attached below, as well as a photo of Norman Demuth, and one of Chichester Cathedral. Also attached is Benjamin West's painting, "The Ascension".
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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