"Seelenbräutigam, Jesu, Gotteslamm!" (Soul's bridegroom, Jesus, God's Lamb)
Choralvorspiel a 2 Claviere und Pedal. Arranged by Pierre Gouin.
In this and the previous Prelude the complete chorale melody is quoted. Music below.
Also available below a set of 15 teaching pieces edited by N. H. Allen in 1875 which members might like to explore.
Born Alach June 3rd 1773
Died Erfurt Jan 12th 1829
Michael Gotthardt Fischer was the last of the three organists, composers and music teachers whose work was associated with the Barfusserkirche and the Predigerkirche in Erfurt.
Until it was largely destroyed by a bomb attack in 1944, the Barefoot (Barfusserkirche) Church was one of the most important church buildings in Erfurt. It was built in the 14th century as a monastery church of the Franciscans, who were also called barefoot. .
His teachers and predecessors in office are the last student of J. S. Bach, Johann Christian Kittel (1732–1809) and his nephew, Johann Wilhelm Hässler (1747–1822).
Fischer came from the Alach innkeeper family and his musicality and intelligence were noticed early on. Dalberg appointed him concert master and in 1796 organist of the Barfusserkirche organ.
In 1810 he was appointed organist at the 1st Music Festival in Bad Frankenhausen, which ended in resounding success. Occasional organ guest performances in Dresden and Leipzig are enthusiastic been recorded. In 1809 he switched to the preacher organ, and in 1817 illness forced him to give up the organ services.
He left behind five symphonies, chamber and vocal music and some music for the organ by which he is best known.