Arthur Milner (1894-1972) was a Newcastle based teacher, performer and composer. He was an FTCL (piano), ARCM (piano) and ARCO. He held a Durham D.Mus by examination. He had been Director of Music at Newcastle Royal Grammar School for 22 years, whilst in his younger years had been organist at St. George's, Jesmond, which had a fine 4 manual Lewis organ. He was quietly spoken, a perfect gentleman and an excellent teacher.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s he wrote a fair number of organ pieces, numbering about 20, which were published mainly by Novello and Ashdown.
It is very difficult to find biographical material about him, and photos of him are scarce.
"Musette and Carol" was published by Edwin Ashdown Ltd. in 1966. They are dedicated: "For Bryan Hesford".
Bryan Hesford (1930-1996) was an organist, composer, arranger and publisher. He served as organist of a number of positions, including St. Margaret's Church, King's Lynn (now King's Lynn Minster), Brecon Cathedral, Wymondham Abbey amongst a number of other positions.
"Musette and Carol" are two real charmers. While there are fingerprints of Milner present in many spots, the pieces are mild, lovely and creative.
"Musette" has an ancient feel to it, and recalls the early modalities.
"Carol" is a fine piece. While intimidating on paper, it isn't that bad once you work it out! It quotes no actual carol that I know of, but it feels right at home in the modern English Christmas carol style.
I'm not attaching this, or any of these Milner works because of copyright, but you may contact me through a Direct Message if you are interested.
A photo of Arthur Milner is attached below, as well as some photos of the magnificent church of St. George's, Jesmond, where he served as organist.
There is also a photo of Bryan Hesford, and some of the places at which he served.
The timings of the pieces are: