We know Respighi from the three Ancient Airs and Dances Suites and The Fountains and Pines of Rome. He uses the organ in several sections of these works and there is a solo for organ in Church Windows.
Ottorino Respighi was born in 1879 in Bologna, Italy, into a family of sculptors on his mother's side and musicians on his father's a childhood friend of Giuseppe Verdi, was an accomplished violinist and Cathedral organist in Fidenza.
He learnt several languages and instruments and would have been familiar with the organ and may have played it.
He remains hugely popular with orchestras and audiences today. Respighi’s trademark orchestral brilliance betrays the influence of his Russian mentor, Rimsky-Korsakov. He was also fascinated by early music and sometimes incorporated antique styles into his works.
He died 18 April 1936, Rome. His wife Elsa died in 1996, one week short of her 102nd birthday.
His most extended work with organ is The Suite in G Major for strings and organ written 1905 but not published until well after his death in 1936.
It is a fine work and availabe to listen to here;
My registration is full swell with couplers.
In 1910 Respighi wrote Three Pieces for organ;
Preludio in D minor.
Preludio sopra une Corale di Bach In dich hab ich gehoffet BWV 52 (B-flat major)
Preludio sopra un Corale di Bach Ich hab mein Sach BWV 707 (A minor)
This Preludio per Organo was played in Concert Hall way back at the dawn of Hauptwerk in 2009 as item #805!