by Bliss Carman
Now when the time of fruit and grain is come,
When apples hang above the orchard wall,
And from the tangle by the roadside stream
A scent of wild grapes fills the racy air,
Comes Autumn with her sunburnt caravan,
Like a long gypsy train with trappings gay
And tattered colors of the Orient,
Moving slow-footed through the dreamy hills.
The woods of Wilton at her coming, wear
Tints of Bokhara and of Samarcand;
The maples glow with their Pompeian red,
The hickories with burnt Etruscan gold;
And while the crickets fife along her march,
Behind her banners burns the crimson sun.
For the meteorologic beginning of fall (autumn) on September 1st!
Leo Sowerby (1895–1968) wrote this tone poem for organ in 1916, aged 21. Written to illustrate the above poem published in the Sunday Tribune, and so popular was the work that he later orchestrated it.
Most often heard on American organs, I have taken this piece to Alessandria which features an abundance of colour, and a marvellous tuba!
The score is officially available from Michael's Music Service