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Au Pied de l'Autel Book One #30,31

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Uploaded by: Erzahler (09/20/22)
Composer: Ropartz, J. Guy
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Notre Dame de Metz Mutin/Cavaillé-Coll
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Late romantic
Au Pied de l'Autel Book One #30, 31.
60 pieces in book one and 40 in book two. Music on IMSLP.

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Book one;
Book two;


Joseph Guy Marie Ropartz (15 June 1864 ñ 22 November 1955) was a French composer and conductor. His compositions included five symphonies, three violin sonatas, cello sonatas, six string quartets, a piano trio and string trio (both in A minor), stage works, a number of choral works and other music, often alluding to his Breton heritage.

After graduating law school and making his father exceptionally proud, Guy Ropartz decided to pursue his dream of becoming a composer and immediately enrolled in the Conservatoire. He studied organ with Franck, and was heavily influenced by him. Ropartz was deeply committed to French music, especially that of Brittany. He drew extensively on the folklore of his Breton Heritage, using it as inspiration for La Cloche des Morts (“The Bell of the Dead”) and La Chasse du Prince Arthur (“The Hunt of Prince Arthur”). Listening to his solo piano pieces next to his organ work and music for orchestra drives home how difficult it can be to label a composer as “impressionist” when their work extends far beyond that. But some of his piano works, such as his nocturnes, carry some unmistakably impressionistic qualities.

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Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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