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Perpetuum Mobile Bolero

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Uploaded by: adri (09/24/22)
Composer: improvisation
Sample Producer: OrganArt Media
Sample Set: 1766 Riepp Dreifaltigkeits Organ, Ottobeuren, Germany
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Impetuous
GMV ! (see below)

Demo of improv in a more abstract and a busy non-stop style. Once in a while you get this kind of music from my hands and feet.

Starts out with 4' and 2' flutes on both manuals, and in the pedal 4 and 6 foot (!) stops. Then gradually adding more aliquotes, HW cornet, tierces, mixtures, and 4' reeds, still without any 8' stops. Also 4' trumpet pedal added, and later also 8' in pedal, and 4' trumpets of manuals added, and finally more 8' stops and then full 16' organ for a final grand finale in a major chord.

It may be a departure from my usual fare, and perhaps not to everyone's taste, but here it is without any further apologies.

This organ can do many things very well and thus inspire any improviser into many different directions, and this is what it's all about here: Great Musical Versatility or GMV !
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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