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Tour of stops with romantic chorale preludes

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Uploaded by: cmorgel76 (11/10/22)
Composer: various
Sample Set: Mimbach, Christuskirche, Walcker (Beta)
Software: Hauptwerk VI
Genre: Romantic
For the selection of the chorales used, the month of November was decisive for me. In the church, the commemoration of the dead and the return of the Lord are thematized.

00:00 Valet will ich dir geben, Philipp Wolfrum
I: Pr 8´, Vio.d.Gb 8´, Fl 8, Ok 4´, Ok 2´, Quint 2 2/3´, all in Pedal with I/P

01:41 Nun ruhen alle Wälder, Fritz Lubrich jun.
II: Sal 8´ with Sub 16´ + II/P. Solo in I: first with Ged 8´ + Vio.d.Gb 8´ later only Fl 8´ one Octav higher

03:22 Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig, Reinhold Seyerlen
Left Hand (I): Pr 8´ + Vio.d.Gb 8´, Right Hand (II): Pr 8´ + Sal 8´(II), Ped: Vi 16 and Ok 8´

04:23 Christus der ist mein Leben, Moritz Brosig
Pr 8´ (II) and Solo + Pr 8´ (I) + Ped Sub 16 and Ok 8´

06:36 Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten, Moritz Brosig
II. L.Ged 8´ + Sub 16´ and II/P, Solo: + Ped. Ok 8´

08:01 Mach´s mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Güt, Andreas Schäffer
I (Solo): Vio.d.Gb 8´, Fl 8´, Ged 8´, II: L.Ged 8´, Sal 8´, Fl 4´ + Ped Sub 16´ + II/P

10:52 Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan, Carl Friedrich Engelbrecht
II: L.Ged 8´, Fl 4´, Solo Ped: Ok 2 from I, play one octav lower

12:36 Mache dich, mein Geist bereit, Carl Friedrich Engelbrecht
I: Fl 8´ with Ped Sub 16´and I/P, Solo (II): L.Ged 8´, Sal 8´, Fl 4´

15:22 Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme, Carl Piutti
Tutti in I + Pr 8´ and Sal 8´ (II) with II/I and II/P and I/P
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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