With this set of variations on the old french christmas carol "Or nous dites Marie" I wish you all a calm, happy and healthy advent season.
1.Chantons, je vous en prie
Par exaltation,
En l’honneur de Marie
Pleine de grand renom.
Pour tout l’humain lignage
Jeter hors de péril
Fut transmis un message
A la Vierge de prix.
And here an english translation of the first two verses
1. Let's sing, I ask you
with joy
in honor fo Mary
full of grace
To save all human folk
from danger
a message was sent
to the wonderous virgin.
2. What light is shining?
This is the angel Gabriel
who came down from heaven
for a saintly girl:
Now tell us, Mary,
what did Garbiel tell you
when he gave you the message
of the eternal god.