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Prelude on “Creator of the Stars of Night” (2009)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (12/13/22)
Composer: Bennett, Mary Beth
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Frankfurt (Oder), Sauer op. 2025
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Contemporary
Mary Beth Bennett (b. 1954) — Prelude on “Creator of the Stars of Night” (2009) for organ

American composer and organist Mary Beth Bennett (b. 1954) was born in Appleton, Wisconsin and was educated at the Eastman School of Music, Stetson University, the Staatliche Hochschule for Musik in Cologne, Germany, and the University of Southern California Los Angeles. Her teachers included David Craighead, Paul Jenkins, Paul Manz, Michael Schneider, Ladd Thomas, Cherry Rhodes, and James F. Hopkins. She held positions in Virginia and Washington, DC (including as organist of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception) and taught on the music faculty of the University of Richmond. Her compositions appear in the catalogs of a number of publishers and have been commissioned by many organizations, including the American Guild of Organists, the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, the Association of Anglican Musicians, and the Paul VI Institute for the Arts.

Published by Concordia Publishing House in “Jubilate, Vol. 4”
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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