Michel CORRETTE (1707-1795).
Sonate N°4 Sonata for soloist (cello or bassoon) and continuo
from "Les Délices de la Solitude" Opus 20
00:01 Adagio
02:37 Corrente
05:28 Aria Affettusoso
08:24 "Bruit de chasse" (Allegro)
Registration Adagio, Corrente, Aria
Organo ECO: play the soloist
Clarinetto 8
Organo PRIMO: play the accompaniment
Fluta B, Fluta S
Principale II Bassi
Principale II Soprani
Pedale: play the bass
Ottava 16 Pedali
Ottava 8 Pedali
Registration "Bruit de chasse"
Organo ECO: play the soloist
Serpentone Bassi
Violoncello Soprani
Clarinetto 8
Organo PRIMO: play the accompaniment
Fluta B, Fluta S
Flauto in VII Bassi
Flauto in VII Soprani
Principale II Bassi
Principale II Soprani
Principale 16
Pedale: play the bass
Tromboni 16 Pedali
Tromba 8 Pedali
Ottava 8 Pedali
Recorded on "Bellinzona G. Antegnati 1588 organ" (version 3.01 december 2022) by the midi files that I created especially for this organ from the score.