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[7.1ch] Dark Souls 3: Main Theme

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Uploaded by: woody-mc (03/25/23)
Composer: Kitamura, Yuka; Sakuraba, Motoi; improv. Woody/mC
Sample Producer: Milan Digital Audio
Sample Set: Notre Dame de Metz Mutin/Cavaillé-Coll
Software: Hauptwerk IV
Genre: Video Game Music (VGM)
A special "reORGANization" request from my organ buddy "möchtegernPianist" (he currently renamed his handle to "Magnitendo").

EXCLUSIVE TO CCH: Since other people hold the copyright for the orchestra part, my upload only contains my added organ solo track, which would not be meant to be played as a stand-alone version normally.
For the full experience, PLAY THE YOUTUBE VIDEO.

Production side note: This was recorded by ear in one go after listening two times, but with three takes (two for the harmonization, one for an extra melody line). These were synced up with the original soundtrack (OST) using Ardour 6 as my DAW of choice and volume-shaped to keep the intended balance with the OST. In the organ solo recording, you'll notice a few volume drops, which are exactly these gaps where the OST takes over.

For those who own a 7.1 surround system, an 8-channel FLAC file can be picked up here to get an impression of what it will sound like in my living room:
- URL:
- Player: Current versions of Media Player Classic are able to properly play multi-channel FLAC files.

Game: Dark Souls 3
Publishers: FromSoftware / Bandai Namco Entertainment
Composers: Yuka Kitamura, Motoi Sakuraba
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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