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Danse macabre (Partita und Totentanz) (2002)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (06/05/23)
Composer: Brückner, Christoph
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Frankfurt (Oder), Sauer op. 2025
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Contemporary
Christoph Brückner (b. 1965) — Danse macabre (Partita und Totentanz) (2002) for organ

(Impressionen über “Mitten wir im Leben sind mit dem Tod umfangen”)

0:00 | 1. Choral semplice: Thema
2:04 | 2. Choral variata chromatica
3:56 | 3. Meditatio primo
6:13 | 4. Basso ostinato (Tambourin)
7:41 | 5. Intermezzo lyrico
10:40 | 6. Meditation secondo
13:29 | 7. Arabeske
15:29 | 8. Totentanz

German composer and organist Christoph Brückner (b. 1965) was born in Alzenau in Lower Franconia and began receiving his first music lessons from his parents. He studied further in Würzburg with Heribert Müller-Veith. Organ literature and improvisation courses and workshops followed over the years with Michael Radulescu (Vienna), Gerhard Gnann, Hans-Jürgen Kaiser (Fulda), Torsten Laux, Albert Schönberger (Mainz), Ludwig Ruckdeschel (Passau), and Wolfgang Seifen (Berlin). Brückner has composed numerous works in many genres and is a frequent organ recitalist. His organ works have been published by Kunert Verlag and Strube Verlag. (

Published by Verlag Daniel Kunert
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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