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Pythia (2023)

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Uploaded by: CarsonCooman (06/28/23)
Composer: Calabris, Michael
Sample Producer: Sonus Paradisi
Sample Set: Rosales, opus 11, Portland, Oregon
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Contemporary
Michael Calabris (b. 1984) — Pythia (2023) for organ and pre-recorded electronics

The composer writes: “This composition evokes the imagery of, and legends surrounding, the Pythia, the high priestess of Apollo at Delphi in ancient Greece. The Pythia is perhaps best known as the Oracle of Delphi. An authoritative ancient account of the Pythia states that she uttered her prophecies while in an ecstatic state; a state supposedly induced by vapors arising from a river that ran beneath the Temple of Apollo. The aforementioned images associated with the Pythia—the enigmatically designed Temple of Apollo, the mysterious river beneath the temple, the Pythia in her white dress and purple veil, seated on her tripod, holding laurel leaves in one hand and a dish of divining water in the other, uttering ecstatic words that only the priests of Apollo could interpret—all these images are musically depicted in this composition.”

Michael Calabris (b. 1984) is an American composer based in Northeast Ohio. His compositions include electronic/computer-realized works, scores for Silent Era films, podcast music, compositions for solo instruments, and liturgical and chamber works. (
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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