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Discovery of the the new AVO sample

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Uploaded by: DominiqueD (08/09/23)
Composer: Louis NIEDERMEYER
Sample Set: AVO Boszormeny (beta version)
Software: Hauptwerk VII
Genre: Romantic
The new AVO sample is an Angster organ located in Boszomeny. it's not the first Angster organ that AVO propose to the Hauptwerk community. This is certainly the largest sampled until now. . Angster is withour any doubt an underrated organ builder. Thanks to Augustine we can appreciate organs of this builder who learned with Cavaillé-Coll
This organ isn't entirely german and not entirely french. It has both influences. That's why I decided to record quickly some works composed by Louis NIEDERMEYER (1802-1861). He just composed 30 pieces for the organ. (Sorry for some little mistakes, this pieces are just in preparation for a recital).
That's very interresting to compare to the contemporary pieces from "Le trésor des chapelles" that I upload on CCH. Niedermeyer is to be considered as an opponent of the "Lefébure-Wély" style very official at this time. Niedermeyer prepare the appearance of the symphonic style and organ, and to César Franck.
The last piece (Prière) is absolutly fantastic.
The style may seem austere. Niedermeyer's registrations are often 8 feet stops or fundation stops. I only find a grand jeu. He asked for a Plein jeu in the prélude. With all its 8 stops this organ can correspond to the colors wanted by the composer. I had no time to explore the reeds stops, but you can listen to others very interresting demo recorded by Jepisi who recorded german music. Our demos are in accordance with this french-german or german-french organ.

1. Trio in d
2. Antienne 1:13
3. Communion 3:50
4. Andante 7:28
5. Prélude 8:41
6. Prière 11:17
Performance: Live
Recorded in: Stereo
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