Impossible to resist the temptation to have fun with this organ which vibrates with generous acoustics. I use the demo version of the new sample produced by Sonus Paradisi.
It was a good oportunity to explore the repertoire from the beginning of the spanish school up to contemporary works of the organ.
1. Sebastian Aguilera de Heredia (1561-1627) / La reina de los Pangelinguas
2. Anonyme (XVI°century) / DIferencias sobre la Folia /
3. Anonyme (XVII°century) / Espanoleta /
4. Don Bernardo de Zala y Galdiano (1685-?) / Suita Primera (Pampeluna 1700) : Pasos por el do / Minue 1 / Minue 2 / Rigodon / Minue de Clarines /
5. Francisco de Peraza (1564-1598) / Medio registro alto /
6. Francesc Mariner (1720-1789)
Salmodia à 3 Primo tono, 7 versos /