Macht hoch die Tür, die Tor macht weit ! Uploaded by: EdoL Composer: Micheelsen, Hans Friedrich Organ: 2012 Metzler, Poblet Abbey (Surround), Spain Software: Hauptwerk VIII Views: 55
Helmut Rothweiler (1906 - 1990) was a German organist and composer.
Helmut Rothweiler is said to have been a piano prodigy from a very early age. He studied at the Prussian Academy of the Arts in Berlin from 1929 to 1932, among other things as one of the last students of Arnold Schönberg. Later he studied church music in Stuttgart, where he became cantor and organist at the Hospitalkirche. After WW II, he was organist at the Schlosskirche in Stuttgart until the end of the 1950s. From 1961 until his retirement in 1973, he worked again at the Hospitalkirche. Helmut Rothweiler was considered a very accomplished organist and a superior mas-ter of the art of improvisation. He was also an esteemed piano and organ teacher and made a name for himself as a composer of sacred music.
Published by Schultheiß in „Neue Choralvorspiele zu den Liedern des Evangelischen Kirchengesangbuchs, Vol. I“.