Concierto Airoso Uploaded by: Grandjeux Composer: Eguiguren, Fray Fernando Organ: Rozay en Brie, Notre Dame de la Nativité Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 162
Concierto de Aranjuez Uploaded by: Mirch4 Composer: Rodrigo, Joaquín Organ: Albee Wurlitzer 3/31 Software: Hauptwerk IV Views: 164
Sonata a due organi Uploaded by: Carillon Composer: Zucchinetti, Giovanni Bernardo Organ: OAM 1766 Riepp Dreifaltigkeits- and Heilig-Geist organ (surround) Software: Hauptwerk VIII Views: 95
Concierto No. 1 (for two organs) Uploaded by: Carillon Composer: Blanco, Josef Organ: OAM 1766 Riepp Dreifaltigkeits- and Heilig-Geist organ (surround) Software: Hauptwerk VIII Views: 173
Josef Blanco, also known as Pedro José Blanco or Pedro Josef (ca. 1750 - 1811) was a Spanish composer, organist and harpist. His Concierto No. 1 for two organs (or harps) was discovered 1957 in the archives of music of the Cathedral of Ciudad Rodrigo.
The idea behind this recording was to bring together both Riepp organs, which are in close proximity to each other. The original plan was to record one track first and then play the second organ live during playback. However, this could not be maintained throughout the entire piece due to lack of human feedback between the two "organists". The recording was therefore split into several segments, also to make registration easier, and at the end everything was put back together again with Audacity.